
Tag: post-growth

Post-Growth Challenge Results

The results of the Post-Growth Challenge are finally here! Back in January, together with Steady State Manchester and The Manchester Meteor, we challenged you to

Pandemic Response Requires Post-Growth Economic Thinking

The coronavirus pandemic has caused a sea change in priorities, which requires entirely different thinking and policies—ones much more closely aligned with heterodox post-growth thinking than with pro-growth economic orthodoxy.

The Post-Growth Challenge

Calling writers, artists, designers and video makers!Can you make a Post Growth Policy Package? An initiative by Steady State Manchester in collaboration with the Manchester

What Comes After the Crash? The Sequel

Inspired by the life and work of David Fleming, economist, ecologist, green political campaigner, visionary and writer. The Sequel is a one-hour documentary made following the publication of Fleming’s great work, Lean Logic: A Dictionary for the Future and How to Survive It.