Don’t Be Fooled: The European Green Deal Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be
‘Green growth’, colonialism and fossil fuel funding are just a few of the cracks showing in the facade of the European Green New Deal and there are more.
‘Green growth’, colonialism and fossil fuel funding are just a few of the cracks showing in the facade of the European Green New Deal and there are more.
To fully and systematically address the climate/energy crisis, the plan will have to be far broader in scope than what is currently being proposed. And while we need to mobilize society as a whole with a World War II-level of effort, the reality is that there’s never been a challenge like this before.
The coronavirus pandemic has caused a sea change in priorities, which requires entirely different thinking and policies—ones much more closely aligned with heterodox post-growth thinking than with pro-growth economic orthodoxy.
The concept of buen vivir has gained visibility in Latin America in recent years. Rooted in indigenous worldviews, buen vivir rests on an understanding of humanity’s relationship with nature that is fundamentally at odds with the anthropocentrism of modernity. Gustavo Hernández and Henkjan Laats trace the concept’s rising trajectory and its influence and echos in Europe.
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