
This video is an excerpt from Filipa Costa and Francisco Dinis’ talk at the Systems Change through Local Economies conference, which focused on how people around the world are manifesting systems change by creating local economies.

Filipa Costa has worked in NGOs for over 25 years on personal and local development programmes in Portugal and in African countries, particularly with groups of young people from vulnerable social contexts. She has training in psychology, art therapy and life coaching and integrates these methodologies as a way to support the integral development of people and their communities. About 3 years ago she joined the Prout Research Institute of Portugal (PRIP) and for the last year she has been involved in the project that PRIP has started, the creation of a development plan for the Cova da Beira region in Portugal, based on the Block Level Planning methodology.

Francisco Dinis is President of the Prout Research Institute of Portugal (PRIP). He has been involved in the creation of two cooperative projects linked to sustainable agriculture and collaborates in the study of regional development for the region of Cova da Beira. He is also co-founder and board member of the BioEco Association, which supports small and medium-sized sustainable agricultural producers in the Beira Interior region of Portugal. He has a background in Agricultural Engineering, and after a visit to the Mondragon network of cooperatives in Spain, he embarked upon a study of Economic Democracy, Resilient Local Economies/Communities, Cooperativism, and Regional Self Sufficiency. He is also an active member of the Ananda Valley eco-village in Portugal.

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