The Radical Power of Your Sourdough Starter
What does fermentation have to do with systems change? More than you’d think, according to author and fermentation enthusiast, Sandor Katz.
What does fermentation have to do with systems change? More than you’d think, according to author and fermentation enthusiast, Sandor Katz.
We need to forge a new era for humanity—one that is defined, at its deepest level, by a transformation in the way we make sense of the world, and a concomitant revolution in our values, goals, and collective behavior. In short, we need to change the basis of our global civilization. We must move from a civilization based on wealth accumulation to one that is life-affirming: an ecological civilization.
For those new to Doughnut Economics, the central model is the Doughnut, which brings together both social and ecological thinking into one core concept, that of meeting the needs of all people, within the means of the living planet. By Rob Shorter and Carlota Sanz.
Ecological breakdown isn’t being caused by everyone equally. The richest 1% emit 100 times more than the poorest half of humanity. If we are going to survive the 21st century, we need to distribute income and wealth more fairly.
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